Tuesday, March 15, 2016

coney island paintings

 madam zola
acrylic on board
 old steeplechase
watercolor on paper
acrylic on canvas
 you must be this high to ride
mixed media on canvas
the old parachute jump
ink on paper

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Book Review:Paris Street Style

9781101907382 (445×450)what can one say about a coloring book? this is an elite coloring book, as fun as it is charming.From it's gorgeous cover of gold on brown, Paris Street Style ,  a coloring book by zoe de las casas, is pure entertainment.. the book is an elegant size with the feel of a journal. complete with a bookmark and elastic band to keep it closed. once open, the pages are covered with whimsical drawings, detailed enough to be interesting but not so detailed as to make your eyes hurt. the fashions are diverse and beg for color!!