February and i begin, in earnest, to plan for the April exhibit. ive been nagging everyone i know for suggestions about possible titles. "interior landscapes" ? "visceral images"? "spring vortex"? "under Current Works"? "interiorescapes" ? "Visceral Meanderings"??None of them really work but we've had some laughs arranging and rearranging the combinations of words.
I can't really decide on a title until i've selected all the pieces. there are 8 large abstract painting which i'll probably include. extracting a central theme from these painting hasn't occurred yet. i'm in a quandary wondering if i should show off my (ha!) virtuosity and include paintings, watercolors,assemblages, batiks, etc or present something more unified.
i imagine i'll be struggling with this for awhile,but for now, i can't think anymore.
Hello, I found your blog through One World One Heart. I'm not entering your lovely draw as I am trying to sort out my stuff and am trying not so add more goodies to the pile but I just wanted to say Hi and good luck with choosing the pictures for the exhibition. Take care